Upload And Embed Pdf Files In WordPress

How to Properly Upload and Embed PDF Files in WordPress

Just a few day ago, someone asked how to upload and embed PDF files in WordPress. The question was asked in the FB group of BloggingLove.

There are many people who create their e-books in the form of the PDF files and they provide it to their readers.

Are you thinking about any creative idea to attract more and more people? In this tutorial, you will learn the methods to upload and embed PDF files in WordPress.

Most of the people seek for the method which is easy to use and no extra efforts are required. Well, I am going to walk you through something like that.

Add Your PDF File to Your Blog Posts and Pages Manually

Just like you do for the images, you can upload and PDF file and use it similarly.

If you have been working on WordPress for a while then you would know how to add an image in your blog posts. Open the post editor and click on the Add Media button.

It will show you a popup either to choose the media files from the media directory or upload a new file.

Choose to upload new and select the PDF file from your computer.

Fill the title, description, and caption for it. You can link to any image to show the preview. It’s up to you. I would suggest to either link it to a text or an image.

Click on the Insert into post button and you will see a URL in your post editor. If you preview, you will see the image you have used.

Your readers can directly click on the text link or an image to download that PDF file.

Use a Plugin to Add a PDF File

There is also an alternative which gives you control over the layout of the PDF file. You can add a preview and control the dimensions.

Suppose the content width is 700px but you want to show the PDF file only in the 300px then you can easily manage it.

Just install and activate Google Doc Embedder plugin.

You can set the dimensions by visiting its settings page. Go to Settings>>GDE Settings and you can easily configure everything.

There are many other settings which can be used. Try to explore and everything will go fine.

Save the settings and you’re ready to use it.

To upload and embed PDF files in WordPress posts, you have to follow the same process like before. Go to your post editor and either you upload a new file in WordPress or use any existing.

Copy the URL of the file you upload.

To embed, click on the GDE button showing along with all the post editor buttons. It will show a popup where you have to paste the file URL you have copied.

Once you add it, you will see the shortcode for that. Just use it and your work will get done.

You can see the preview. If you want to improvise it then it can be done using the plugin options. Think a little bit creative to attract your readers.

Link something attractive which can get you the lead.

Check your post preview and if it appears as you desire. Congrats, you have successfully embedded a PDF file into your post.

The same process will be followed for any page.

I Hope You Find it Easy To Upload and Embed PDF Files in WordPress

Uploading the PDF file directly to your media folder can save you from adding one extra plugin. But for more control, you can use it.

You may have seen the free e-books on many websites. Now, you can also do that. Provide something valuable to your readers.

I am sure, you will find it so easy to upload and embed PDF files in WordPress. If you still have any doubt, you can clear it.

You can also connect with us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and a LinkedIn influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is what he can rock with. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, theme development, design issues and what not.


  1. Hello Ravi,

    Great tips over here ?

    Indeed adding up a PDF file is just as easy as, we add pictures in our wordpress content.

    Google Doc Embedder is something new I am learning from here. I am looking forward to try this one.

    I will be sharing this among my friends, so that it can help them to this PDF file method.

    Thanks for the share.

  2. Hello


    Great post. PDF has become the publishing standard for most companies and businesses worldwide, particularly in the last decade and half.

    Turning documents into PDFs makes them immediately more portable, smaller, and generally easier to use.

    Here, you explained very nicely how to upload Embed PDF in wordpress.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Best wishes,

    Praveen verma

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